Q: I am the new coordinator for the sepsis project. How can I get a username and password?
A: In most circumstances, your facility's Primary User is responsible for requesting additional secondary accounts for your facility, as well as promoting a Secondary User to the role of Primary User. A hospital can only have one Primary User at a time. A Primary User may add secondary users at their discretion, in adherence with their facility's security and privacy policies. To add a new secondary user, the Primary User must login to the Sepsis Data Collection Portal, navigate to the Users page, click Add a New User, and provide the requested account information (name, email address).
Q: What is the role of a Primary User?
A: Primary Users are able to add Secondary User accounts, assign new Primary Users, and reactivate suspended accounts associated with their designated facility. Primary Users are also able to submit data to the Sepsis Data Collection Portal, view their hospital's submission history, and request the deletion of previously submitted files. Each hospital may only have one Primary User at a time. In addition, Primary User email addresses will be used for each organization's Tableau user accounts.
Q: What is a Secondary User? How is their role different from a Primary User?
A: Secondary Users are able to submit data to the Sepsis Data Collection Portal, view their hospital's submission history, and request the deletion of previously submitted files. Secondary Users do not have the ability to add other Secondary Users, designate Primary Users, or reactivate suspended accounts. There is no limit to the number of Secondary User accounts per facility.
Q: How can a new person be designated as the Primary User?
A: To promote a secondary user to be the Primary User, the current Primary User for your facility must make this request in the Portal. To do this, your facility's current Primary User must log into the Sepsis Data Collection Portal, navigate to the Users page, and click Request a New Primary. This will direct the current Primary User to a page where they will be able to request a new Primary User. Please note that each facility may only have one Primary User at any given time. Any request to promote an existing secondary user to a Primary User will result in the replacement of the Primary User making the request. For more information on requesting new Primary and Secondary Users, please see the User Access Guide.
Q: What if a hospital does not have a Primary User?
A: If a facility does not have a Primary User, or the designated Primary User is not available, you may create a new Primary User account directly. To request a new Primary User account, the new Primary User must Create a Helpdesk Ticket that includes a request for a Primary User account and a patient facility identifier (PFI). In addition, users requesting a new Primary User account must copy their facility's chief security and/or privacy officer using the 'CC' field when submitting a ticket for account creation.
Q: What if I cannot remember my password to the Sepsis Data Collection site?
A: You can reset your password by using the Forgot Password? link on the home page. Please see the User Access Guide for more information.
Q: My username and password are correct. Why am I unable to login?
A: It is likely that your account is suspended. All user accounts must be accessed at least once every 120 days to remain active. Instructions for account reactivation are as follows: To reactivate a Primary User's account, Primary Users must Create a Helpdesk Ticket that includes a request to reactivate the inactive Primary User's account with your hospital's chief security or privacy officer copied on the request. Tickets requesting the reactivation of Primary User accounts without your hospital's chief security or privacy officer copied on the request will be rejected. To reactive a secondary user's account, your hospital's Primary User must Create a Helpdesk Ticket that includes a request to reactivate the inactive secondary user's account. For more information regarding account reactivation, please refer to the User Access Guide.
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